'Mr X' implicates Dudu Myeni in dodgy cash dealings, Zondo Commission hears

Dudu Myeni. Picture: Bheki Radebe

Dudu Myeni. Picture: Bheki Radebe

Published Feb 18, 2020


Johannesburg - Dudu Myeni has been implicated in suspicious cash transfers of thousands of rands that formed part of the evidence presented at the Zondo Commission. 

The inquiry on Tuesday heard evidence from a witness identified as Mr X. The witness is not being identitied to protect him from fear of reprisal due to the evidence he has provided the commission. 

Mr X implicated Myeni when he detailed how his construction company, Isibonelo Construction, had been used by a company owned by Thalente Myeni, Premier Attractions, to deposit R3 million. 

Thalente Myeni is Dudu Myeni's son. 

Thalente Myeni appeared at the inquiry on Monday. Mr X testified that he and Dudu Myeni had a close relationship and had been business partners around 1998 and 1999. 

Mr X told the commission that on October 21, 2015, a payment of R1m was deposited into his company's bank account. 

The reference of this transactions read "IB payment from PA1016",  an account belonging to Premier Attractions, and it was the same reference used in three separate payments made to Isibonelo. 

Mr X said Premier Attractions went on to make two more payments into Isibonelo's bank account. The second was on December 11, 2015, with a deposit of R150 000. 

The third was made in February 2016 with a R1m deposit. 

After this money was deposited, Myeni began requesting various withdrawals from Isobonelo’s account. 

He explained that after the October 21 deposit he received instructions from Myeni, who demanded that he withdraw R50 000 in cash and deliver it to her. On October 28th, Myeni requested that Mr X withdraw R31 000. 

On October 27, R20 000 was withdrawn by Mr X and delivered to Myeni. 

Mr X explained how he would deliver the money to Myeni. 

"When it was deposited Myeni asked me to withdraw the money and bring it to her. She had called I think. I withdrew the money and I would take it to her house. Myeni had two different houses that she stayed at. She had offices in her house and I would hide the money at her office and I would call her and inform her. There were also times where she was present when I delivered the cash in her hand". 

Mr X told the commission that his company, Isibonelo Constructions, had never had any business relations with Premier Attractions between 2015 and 2016 when the deposits were made. 

This admission is contrary to the evidence provided by Thalente Myeni when he appeared at the inquiry on Monday. 

When asked about the business relationship between Premier Attractions and presented with Mr X's submissions, Thalente Myeni insisted that when he transferred money from Premier Attractions to Isibonelo it was part of a business transaction. 

"In respect to Isibonelo, the transactions were business transactions. I have no record of the nature of the transactions. I have no record of the business made with the said company due to the passage of time," Thalente Myeni said. 

Political Bureau

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