Nathi Mthethwa to sue for defamation over 'rehashing of old allegations'

Published Oct 2, 2019


Cape Town - Former police minister Nathi Mthethwa has instructed his lawyers to sue for defamation over the 'rehashing of old allegations' against him.

On Tuesday, Crime intelligence officer Dhanajaya Naidoo told the Zondo commission into State Capture that crime intelligence's secret service account funded the purchase of a Mercedes Benz for Mthethwa in 2010. 

Naidoo said Mthethwa only used the vehicle for a few months and asked that it be taken back to crime intelligence because he feared that he was being followed by journalists. 

According to a statement by Mthethwa's spokesperson Asanda Magaqa, these allegations first surfaced in the media on April 2012. These allegations were investigated in May and June that year. 

"While I accept that leaders, whether in the public or private sectors, and indeed across civil society, must always be subject to scrutiny, it is regrettable and deplorable that there are those in society who have no regard for the truth or facts and will continue to peddle falsehoods for the purpose of besmirching and tarnishing the reputations of others, for reasons best known to themselves. I continue to trust in the efficacy of our institutions, certain in the assurance that justice always triumphs. I have instructed my lawyers to sue for defamation," said Mthethwa in the statement.

The statement also touched on the allegations about the erection of the wall at Mthethwa's residence of the Minister, quoting the Auditor General’s report.

“No evidence could be provided to indicate that the Minister was involved in giving the instruction to conduct a risk assessment or was involved during the risk assessment process. There is no evidence that indicates that the Minister knew that the wall was being erected using secret services funds. There is no evidence that links the Minister to the contravention of the policy and procedures."

"There is no evidence to indicate that the Minister knew that due process was not followed by the officials at the department, especially the officials at Crime Intelligence, including the payment method that was used.


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