20th CPC National Congress: The New Journey in the New Era

Chinese President Xi Jinping

Chinese President Xi Jinping

Published Oct 28, 2022


Ambassador Chen Xiaodong

From October 16th to 22nd, 2022, people of the world had

their eyes on the 20th National Congress of the CPC, which

concluded with huge success. The Congress is a meeting of

great importance. It takes place at a critical time as China

embarks on a new journey to build a modern socialist country in

all respects and advance toward our second centenary goal. The

Congress holds high the great banner of socialism with Chinese

characteristics, fully implements the Thought on Socialism with

Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, gives a systematic

overview of the major theoretical and practical issues on

upholding and developing socialism with Chinese

characteristics. The Congress laid out well-informed guiding

principles and missions of the Party and the country for the next

period and drew a great blueprint of advancing the rejuvenation

of the Chinese nation on all fronts through a Chinese path to

modernization. The success of the Congress has important

practical and far-reaching historical significance for inspiring

and mobilizing the whole Party, the entire military, and the

Chinese people of all ethnic groups to: adhere to and develop

socialism with Chinese characteristics, build a modern socialist

country in all respects and advance the great rejuvenation of the

Chinese nation on all fronts.

The most important political achievement of the Congress

is that a new CPC Central Committee has been elected with

Comrade Xi Jinping at its core. The Congress adopted a

resolution on approving the report of the 19th Central

Committee and a resolution on adopting the revised Constitution

of the Communist Party of China. The first plenary session of

the 20th CPC Central Committee elected a new central

leadership. Comrade Xi Jinping has been elected as General

Secretary of the Central Committee and Chairman of the Central

Military Commission. This is a central collective leadership that

has been elected with the full consensus of the whole party, that

meets the expectations of the people and that deserves the full

trust of the whole Party, the entire military, and the Chinese

people of all ethnic groups. This is a central collective

leadership that is politically firm, united, and vigorous, one that

can adapt to the needs for long-term development of the Party

and the country. The results of the election fully reflect the

common will of the Party and the common aspirations of

hundreds of millions of Chinese people. They fully demonstrate

a Communist Party of China that is vigorous, prosperous and

that works with great initiative and enthusiasm.

The re-election of General Secretary Xi Jinping

represents the aspiration of the Chinese people. Since the

18th CPC National Congress, historic achievements have been

made and historic shifts have taken place in the cause of the

Party and the country. The people now enjoy a stronger sense of

satisfaction and gain. We won the tough battle against poverty.

Close to 100 million poor rural residents have worked their way

out of poverty and we achieved the poverty reduction target set

out in the UN’s Agenda 2030 ten years ahead of schedule.

China’s per capita disposable income has risen from around

2500 US dollars to nearly 5500 US dollars. More than 13

million urban jobs have been created each year on average and

1.04 billion people now enjoy basic old-age insurance. Over

1.051 billion Chinese people use the internet, which is over 74

percent of our total population. China’s grain output ranks top in

the world and we have ensured food and energy security for

more than 1.4 billion people. We built the world's largest

education, social security and health-care system and China’s

average life expectancy has reached 78.2 years. In the face of

COVID-19, we put the people and their lives above all else and

coordinated COVID response with socioeconomic development,

which achieved significant and positive results. The Chinese

people have come to realize that for the CPC to write these

grand chapters in the development of the Party and the country

in the new era, the fundamental reason is that we have General

Secretary Xi Jinping's superb leadership. General Secretary Xi

Jinping won the support of all Party members, the armed forces

and all Chinese people. He has become the core of China’s

central leadership.

The re-election of General Secretary Xi Jinping is

mandated by the CPC’s founding mission. The original

aspiration and the mission of Chinese Communists is to seek

happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the

Chinese nation. Over the past decade in the new era, China has

focused on promoting high-quality development, our GDP has

grown to 17.77 trillion US dollars, growing by 6.6 percent

annually on average and ranking second in the world. The scale

of China’s manufacturing sector and foreign exchange reserves

remain the largest in the world. China has built the world's

largest networks of high-speed railways and expressways and a

world-class group of ports. In 2021, China’s urban PM2.5 levels

dropped by 34.8 percent compared with that of 2015. Days with

“A” and “B” classes of air quality accounted for 87.5 percent of

the whole year and ecological and environmental conservation

achieved a historic pivot. The Congress’s resolution on the

Report of the 19th Central Committee makes it clear that the

central task of the Communist Party of China will be to lead the

Chinese people of all ethnic groups in a concerted effort to

realize the Second Centenary Goal of building China into a great

modern socialist country in all respects and to advance the

rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through a

Chinese path to modernization. The Congress made a series of

strategic arrangements, including to foster a new development

pattern, invigorate China through science and education,

promote people's well-being, modernize the system of

governance and capacity, and exercise full and rigorous self-

governance. With greater journeys and loftier goals ahead, we

need General Secretary Xi Jinping at the helm to lead us to forge

ahead with enterprise, determination and fortitude.

The re-election of General Secretary Xi Jinping

represents the call of the times. The world is now entering a

new period of turbulence and shifts. Major changes unseen in a

century picked up speed. COVID-19 continues to take its toll.

World economic recovery remains sluggish. There are frequent

local conflicts and turmoil. In the face of a complex and severe

development environment, General Secretary Xi Jinping has

developed profound insight into the major international and

domestic trends and worked to ensure both development and

security. He saw to it that China's high-quality development

moved forward steadily, further promoted the building of a

human community with a shared future, and contributed much-

needed certainty to world peace and development. Over the past

decade, China successfully held four China International Import

Expos and set up 21 pilot free trade zones. China has become a

top trading partner of more than 140 countries and regions. We

rank number one in the world in the total trade volume of goods.

We have signed more than 200 Belt and Road cooperation

documents with 149 countries and 32 international

organizations. From 2013 to 2021, China’s total trade volume in

goods with Belt and Road partner countries reached nearly 11

trillion US dollars, and two-way investment surpassed 230

billion US dollars. During the meeting with Chinese and foreign

journalists after his reelection, General Secretary Xi Jinping

emphasized that just as China cannot develop in isolation from

the world, the world needs China for its development. China

will open its door ever wider. We will be steadfast in deepening

reform and opening-up across the board and in pursuing high-

quality development. A prosperous China will create many more

opportunities for the world.

The international community closely follows this Congress.

Leaders of many major political parties as well as dignitaries

around the world wrote messages to the CPC Central Committee

to offer warm congratulations on the success of the Congress

and to General Secretary Xi Jinping on his re-election. South

African political parties and leaders, important political and

social organizations and think tanks also sent their

congratulations to the Congress. Comrade President Ramaphosa,

Comrade TG Mashatile, Comrade President Mbeki, Comrade

President Motlanthe, Comrade GS of the SACP Mapaila and

leaders of COSATU and SANCO have also congratulated

General Secretary Xi Jinping on his re-election. Their support

fully reflects the Comrades plus Brothers special bond between

our governing parties, as well as the China-South Africa

Comprehensive Strategic Partnership with deep mutual political


The CPC is ready to build on the success of the 20th CPC

National Congress and to join hands with the ANC, the SACP

and other parties to strengthen the exchange of experience in

governance. We are ready to work with the South African side

to deepen win-win cooperation, enhance international

collaboration, jointly explore development paths in line with our

respective national conditions, and jointly write a beautiful

chapter of China-South Africa cooperation and create a new era

of China-South Africa friendship!

Chen is the Chinese ambassador to South Africa.

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