WATCH: DA councillor quits in support of Patricia de Lille

DA councillor Shaun August Picture: Facebook

DA councillor Shaun August Picture: Facebook

Published Oct 25, 2018


Çape Town - DA councillor Shaun August announced his resignation from the party and as chief whip of caucus while paying tribute to outgoing executive mayor Patricia de Lille in a city council meeting on Thursday.

"My decision does not come lightly considering the two years of struggle, discrimination and double standards that I have been subjected to by the DA," August said.

I, Shaun August, hereby submit my letter of resignation as Chief Whip of the City of Cape Town Council, a Councillor in the City of Cape Town and a member of the Democratic Alliance (DA) effective immediately.

— Shaun August (@ShaunAugust1) October 25, 2018

"I can no longer support a racist regime who continues to undermine my fight for non-racialism and equality. I can no longer serve a party that claims a particular set of values but acts contrary to those values."

"I can no longer serve a party that is inconsistent with the application of rules where some are above them."

"I'm a freeman," @ShaunAugust1 says as he resigns. He adds that he can no longer wear the @Our_DA shirt. @WeekendArgus @IOL

— Soyiso Maliti (@soyiso_maliti) October 25, 2018

De Lille at the same time used her last council meeting to hit back at her critics and political rivals and vowed to continue the fight to clear her name.

Earlier at Thursday morning’s meeting, De Lille launched a blistering attack on her detractors who she says have been slandering her in the media.

The attack came after recent media reports alleging misconduct and De Lille’s alleged involvement in corruption.

De Lille has previously slammed the Bowman Gilfillan’s forensic report into allegations of corruption and maladministration in the City of Cape Town. The report will be tabled in Thursday’s council meeting.

“I have suffered vicious attack to my good name for more than a year and still people are intent on destroying me,” the mayor said.

“I will not allow my good name to be smeared.”

“Public representatives have gone so far as to spread fake reports about me purportedly from the Auditor General showing their complete disregard for the office of the AG.

De Lille said she will lay criminal charges against the party members who shared fake news posts on social media.

She acknowledged that the council's speaker Dirk Smit has written to councillors about the leaking of information in the Bowman’s report and that an investigation has been instituted into the leaks.

“I hope those responsible for this malicious behaviour will be brought to book once and for all.”

Five more DA councillors are also expected to announce their resignation from the party ahead of the council vote on criminal charges against De Lille.