#EveryDropCounts: Cape man develops mobile app to help tackle crisis

The CT Drought Info app. Picture: Carl Marks.

The CT Drought Info app. Picture: Carl Marks.

Published Mar 1, 2018


Cape Town - As preparations for Day Zero, when taps will officially run dry, continue in Cape Town one Mitchell's Plain man is playing his part to help residents navigate their way once it's in effect.

Carl Marks, founder of Marks397 Solution, is developing the CT Drought Info water app, which will focus on providing credible information related to the crisis.

Speaking to Independent Media, Mitchells Plain resident talked about what motivated the creation of the app. 

"It's basically an idea that came about when they started indicating that we were going to have collection points in and around Cape Town a few months ago," he said.

Marks said he then realised that family, friends, colleagues, citizens and even tourists, while having general information available publicly, might not have have access at their fingertips and this where the app comes in. 

The app, once completed, will work automatically, drawing information on the crisis from numerous sources and loading it onto the app daily for residents to access. 

A demonstration of how the CT Drought Info app will work. Video: Carl Marks

To ensure the information is credible, Marks explained that the app will be loaded with information from credited sources. 

This he hopes to achieve by partnering with media companies and organisations. 

"I was thinking of doing something with credited organisations, if they want come on board or have credited information sent through the app to the user.

"So if they ever want to verify or get hold of some sort of information on the drought, water saving tips or just general information surrounding water and drought, not just in Cape Town, but nationally. 

This then, Marks contended, would allow the app to be used in a broader context, especially in light of the water crisis affecting SA on a wider scale. 

An optimistic Marks added that developing the app had little to do with money but everything to do with empowering young people.

"My hope is to reach the youth as small as pre-schoolers... it's actually for them to realise that we're going through a crisis and they're the future so how can they change it," he said. 

CT Drought Info will be available on Google Playstore and shortly afterwards, iStore. 

Marks397 Solution was founded in May 2017 by Matthew and Carl Marks and specialises in innovative mobile applications aimed at providing indoor GPS, guided tours, treasure hunt games and communication solutions.

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