We Remember Dr Mohammed Bobat

Published Nov 27, 2020


President Cyril Ramaphosa has declared three days of mourning, from November 25 to 29, for victims of Covid-19 and gender-based violence.

Through our We Remember campaign, we too will pay tribute to some of the more than 20 000 people who have died due to the coronavirus pandemic and commemorate women who have died violently at the hands of men.

We Remember Dr Mohammed Bobat

When Dr Mohammed Bobat died of Covid-19 complications in early August, health workers at Bongani Regional Hospital in Thabong paid their respects by forming a guard of honour as his body was wheeled through the facility.

All of them were dressed in personal protective gear - the de facto uniform of frontline workers during the pandemic.

Bobat, 56, was a respected member of the medical fraternity and worked at Bongani state hospital as well as the local Mediclinic.

Free State Health spokesperson Mondli Mvambi described Bobat as a “a leader in his field of work who was a revered man in the community”.

Dr Yacoob Vahed, who also opened a practice in Welkom 25 years ago, told Radio Islam that Bobat made a tremendous contribution to the welfare of the community.

“We met when there were issues in the community. Dr Bobat was always present, that is the sacrifice he made for the community. He did not make any demands on the community for himself or his family, but he gave a lot to the community,” said Vahed.

“Dr Bobat gave his life to the community, he got sick as a result of his work… People like him who are on the frontlines, like all other GPs and health workers, we should actually salute them.”

To the families of those who have died from Covid-19 or gender-based violence this year, we share your pain, we know their names and most of all, we remember.

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