67 ways to help this Mandela Day: Four ways to give with The Angel Network

Published Jul 16, 2020


The Angel Network has not one, but four major projects which they are running for Mandela Day and beyond, each targeting a different segment of South Africa's most vulnerable citizens.

The team is packing cosy comfort packs which includes a sleeping bag, pillow, blanket and porridge. These packs will be distributed to homeless people on Mandela Day. 

They are also selling a 4 pack of vegetable seeds for R23 and asking people to donate them to beneficiaries who are establishing vegetable gardens to become self sufficient. 

The Angel Network is also asking people to donate sanitary pads which they will distribute to thousands of young girls who miss up to 50 days a year of school because buying sanitary products is a luxury that they cannot afford.

In addition, they are running a soup drive where people can buy a 5kg soup mix for R66 and then make up 15 ziplock bags which include a cup and a half of the soup mix with a soup cube and a packet of instant soup. They will be handing these out on Mandela Day and beyond.

How you can help:

* To sponsor a cosy pack, use the banking details below with the reference: surname/cosypack

* To sponsor vegetable seeds, use surname/veggie

* To sponsor sanitary products, use surname/pads

* For the soup packs, use surname/soup

Banking details

The Angel Network

FNB account: 6272 6312 391

Code: 250655

Ref: surname/appeal 

* Find more organisations and worthy causes to support on Mandela Day: 

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