Police watchdog probes officers' conduct after KZN man dies in custody

It is alleged that officers approached the man at his girlfriend’s house and accused him of having an unlicensed gun. The man was allegedly assaulted and later succumbed to his injuries. Picture: Keran Ducasse

It is alleged that officers approached the man at his girlfriend’s house and accused him of having an unlicensed gun. The man was allegedly assaulted and later succumbed to his injuries. Picture: Keran Ducasse

Published Oct 12, 2020


Durban - The Independent Police Investigative Directorate has launched an investigation after a KZN man died after he was allegedly assaulted by police officers who accused him of having a firearm.

It is alleged that officers were following up on a tip-off that the man was in possession of an unlicensed firearm.

Ipid spokesperson, Ndileka Cola, said officers went to the man's girlfriend's house in the Ulundi area in northern KwaZulu-Natal last week Wednesday, where they demanded to know where the firearm was.

Cola said the man denied having a gun and officers reportedly locked the man inside a room.

"It is alleged that the man was heard crying in agony and after a short while, police left with him. He was handcuffed. They officers did not explain where they were going or why they were taking the man. They just left," Cola said.

She said the deceased was brought back a short while later and was weak and vomiting blood.

Those at the house realised that the man's situation was deteriorating, rushed him to a local clinic for medical attention.

"The man was transferred to a hospital where he succumbed to his injuries," Cola said.

She said an investigating team from Ipid will attend a post-mortem session on Tuesday in KwaNongoma.

"The team will then gather all necessary information and evidence as part of the investigation process that will inform any action and recommendations by by the directorate.


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