WATCH: Three (ridiculously funny) men and a water crisis

Picture: Screengrab

Picture: Screengrab

Published Mar 29, 2018


Cape Town - Explorer Riaan Manser faces off against comedians Rob van Vuuren and Kurt Schoonraad in a funny new water survivalist video created for Cape Town Tourism.

The trio trade hilarious examples of what they are doing to save water amid the ongoing water crisis in the Western Cape.

The guys compare the size of their Jojo tanks and the competition just heats up from there. Predictably, the results are side-splitting despite the message behind the video being an extemely serious one. 

“As Capetonians we continue to face challenges like water scarcity head-on. And even though this is a serious matter, we cannot ignore our unique sense of humour while trying to solve the world's problems amongst our friends around a braai,” said Cape Town Toursm CEO Enver Duminy.

"Although Day Zero has been moved out for 2018, Cape Town has to continue saving as much water as possible. If adventurer Riaan Manser could circumnavigate Madagascar by kayak over 11 months using minimal water, surely we can too," the tourism body said on its Facebook page.