The Raging Bull Awards - Find out who SA’s best asset manager of the year is

Personal Finance editor Martin Hesse and host of the Raging Bull Awards Lance Witten.

Personal Finance editor Martin Hesse and host of the Raging Bull Awards Lance Witten.

Published Feb 2, 2021


Ninety One has won the coveted Raging Bull Award for the South African Manager of the Year for the performance of its unit trust funds to the end of 2020.

This is a big honour for a well-established asset management company with a relatively new name. Until recently the company was Investec Asset Management, and it was runner-up in last year’s Raging Bull Awards. At the beginning of last year it separated from Investec Bank and took the name Ninety One.

The Raging Bull Awards ceremony is hosted annually by Personal Finance in partnership with data providers ProfileData and PlexCrown. The event was sponsored this year by the JSE, Sanlam Investments, Stanlib, Truffle and Fundamental.

It recognises top performance in the unit trust industry, which has grown exponentially since the awards were launched in 1997.

The ceremony, which has traditionally been a black-tie gala dinner, was a much scaled-down affair this year as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, taking the form of a video presentation.

The runners-up for South African Company of the Year were Mi-Plan in second place and H4 Collective Investments in third place. There was also an award for Offshore Manager of the Year, won by the US-based investment firm T Rowe Price, whose funds are marketed in South Africa by Prescient.

Eight further Raging Bull Awards and 29 Raging Bull Certificates went to individual funds in local and offshore categories.

Martin Hesse, editor of Personal Finance, says: “While past performance is not an indication of future performance, a fund manager’s track record is vitally important, particularly if you take into account consistency of performance over the longer term, a manager’s investment process and its attitude to risk.

“The aim of the awards, apart from recognising outstanding achievement in the industry, is to guide investors to unit trust funds that deliver reliable, sustainable returns without undue risk, which is in line with our ongoing aim at Personal Finance: to provide readers with credible, jargon-free and uncluttered information on financial services and products to better manage their day-to-day financial affairs and grow their wealth.”

For full details of the winners of awards and certificates for individual funds, for straight performance over three years and risk-adjusted performance over five years to the end of 2020, as well as profiles of winning managers and funds, see the special Personal Finance Raging Bull Awards tabloid supplement, which will be carried in the Saturday Weekend Argus, Saturday Star, Pretoria News on Saturday, and the Saturday Independent (KwaZulu-Natal).



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