SANBS appeals to citizens to donate blood ahead of festive season

The SANBS is appealing to citizens to visit its centres to donate blood. Picture: Ian Landsberg/African News Agency (ANA)

The SANBS is appealing to citizens to visit its centres to donate blood. Picture: Ian Landsberg/African News Agency (ANA)

Published Dec 2, 2022


Pretoria - The festive season is a time for giving – and there is no gift more precious than being able to give blood to those who desperately need it.

For this reason the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) is appealing to citizens to visit its centres to donate blood before the start of the festive season holidays and celebrations.

SANBS spokesperson Khensani Mahlangu said that as of Thursday this week, their stock levels were at at 4.7 days.

Mahlangu said blood stocks fluctuated throughout the year, and as the country entered the festive season the SANBS wanted to remind South Africans of the importance of donating blood to help keep stocks at safe levels.

Although December was a time for fun for most people, it was a difficult period for those patients who needed blood and blood products to lead regular lives, she said.

SANBS senior marketing and communications manager Thandi Mosupye said blood donations usually dropped off over December.

“A large portion of our blood products are used to treat patients with chronic illnesses. With December traditionally yielding low collections, this could threaten peoples’ ability to enjoy their holidays should we not have the required blood products on hand when needed,” she said.

In order to get ahead of this challenge, Mosupye said they required Group O and Group B donors to give a unit of blood prior to setting off for their holiday destinations.

"We need to collect a minimum of 3 500 units of blood, daily, to maintain safe stock levels. We approach this season with stocks being lower than we'd like and we could have some tough times ahead if donors do not respond to our call to lend a hand,” Mosupye added.

She said to be able to sustain the country's needs, the service required at the very least blood stock levels to be at five days.

"Each unit of blood goes a long way towards ensuring that those reliant on blood donations get to spend time with their families too."

In addition to calling for more blood donors, Mosupye said the SANBS had also launched the Change a Life campaign, which would educate donors about platelet donation.

According to the SANBS, platelets were needed for the treatment of patients with blood disorders and cancers, as well as for organ recipients.

She further explained that patients undergoing cancer treatment were highly dependent on regular platelet donations as part of their recovery.

"All willing and eligible donors are urged to visit their nearest mobile and fixed donor centres because, with the help of donors, SANBS has been able to carry out the important task of collecting blood to meet South Africa’s needs; each unit of blood will give a needed boost ahead of the busiest part of the holidays."

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