#aTypicalInterview: Actress Priya Lutchman on her love for Akhalwaya’s chips



Published Dec 24, 2022


Johannesburg - This week we feature actor, dancer, model, entrepreneur, MC, and brand ambassador Priya Lutchman.

Lutchman’s first appearance on-camera was with local station Saffron TV in the early 2000s and, after more than 10 years in the industry with various dance and stage productions under her belt, landed her break-out film in “Deep End”, released at the Durban International Film Festival in July 2018, the Cape Town Film Festival in October 2018, and at the Caribbean Tales International Film Festival (Toronto CTFF 2018) in September 2018.

She has subsequently appeared on many local and international TV advertisements, and corporate edu-dramas, all while juggling family, multiple businesses, and most recently placing in the Top 5 in Mrs South Africa 2022.

The meal that most reminds you of your childhood is… ?

There are two actually. Roti with sugar (fond memories of my mom handing me hot roti rolled up with sugar inside), and pancakes (summer holidays with my cousins, waking up to stacks of these made by my aunt to feed all us crazy kids in her house).

Actress Priya Lutchman. Supplied image.

How would you define love?

Love is the space where you can breathe, grow, laugh and cry, without fear of judgement.

The three most popular items in your fridge at all times are… ?

Milk, cheese, chilli sauce

How would you like to be remembered?

I would like to be remembered for the way I made people feel. To be remembered as someone who left each situation, person or place better off than when I found it.

Actress Priya Lutchman. Supplied image.

The biggest misconception people have of you is… ?

That I am irresponsible and nothing bothers me. I actually have high functioning anxiety, so I analyse and over-think everything and take my responsibilities to those around me very seriously

You are going to be stuck on an island for a year, but can have one celebrity with you, one book, and a song with you. What are your choices?

Local celeb; Nicole Capper – not only does she have experience from Survivor, (so I won’t die) but she’s an awesome person!

International celeb: Keanu Reeves – he’s so elusive and I’m dying to know what goes on in his head!

Book – “The Prophet” by Kahlil Gibran (this one is tough! I am such a bookworm so choosing just one is insane!)

Song – “Happy” by Pharell Williams.

You are only able to shop at one clothes store for the rest of your life. Which clothes store do you choose to shop at?

Hahahaha Shein!!! I’m addicted!

You are on death row. You are granted one last meal and drink of your choice. What do you choose to have?

Chiappas burrito bowl, Akhalwayas masala chips and the biggest cup of tea ever!

Actress Priya Lutchman. Supplied image.

Leonardo DiCaprio or George Clooney?

George Clooney for sure.

Tell us about the worst date you’ve ever had in your life…

There are two that stand out (sadly).

1. When I went to the club for my birthday, with plans to meet my boyfriend there, only to find him and my best friend kissing on the dance floor.

2. My first Valentines with a serious boyfriend, and he took me to dinner, gave me a gift his mum picked out, and then dropped me home like he couldn’t wait to get rid of me, and went out with his friends.

The Saturday Star