#aTypicalInterview: Celeb blogger Lelo Boyana on AKA's tragic death

Celebrity blogger, columnist and television presenter Lelo Boyana. Supplied image.

Celebrity blogger, columnist and television presenter Lelo Boyana. Supplied image.

Published Feb 26, 2023


Johannesburg - This week we feature celebrity blogger, columnist and television presenter Lelo Boyana.

Boyana is best known for hosting the insert TV With Lelo on the SABC1 gossip show The Real Goboza, from 2007-2008, and has also appeared as a weekly guest on the radio show Break-a-sly-fast Show on Umhlobo Wenene Fm every Monday morning, discussing the latest celebrity gossip.

She is also the host of Chica Travel Podcast, where she chats to fellow globetrotters and industry experts who excitedly share their tips and tricks on everything travel.

Celebrity blogger, columnist and television presenter Lelo Boyana. Supplied image.

You are able to travel to any part of the world for a dream holiday. Where do you go?

If you had asked me this before last year, I would have said Amalfi Coast, Italy, so right now I will pick Bora Bora because yes, I love my island holidays but I want to go there and come back to tell my podcast listeners whether it is worth the long journey to get there.

The one thing that has caught your attention on social media in the last week is…?

The tragic passing of AKA has been dominating my feed all week and I send comfort to all his loved ones and hope that our police will shock us by actually solving this case and bringing the culprits to justice.

Celebrity blogger, columnist and television presenter Lelo Boyana. Supplied image.

The three most popular items in your fridge at all times are…?

Lemons for my rooibos, double cream plain yoghurt for when I don’t know what to eat and Coke.

You’re on death row. You are allowed one last meal and drink of your choice. What do you choose to have?

Seafood Pasta, I don’t know how long this phase will last, but I’m obsessed.

You are only able to shop at one clothing store for the rest of your life. What store do you choose to shop at?

Oh my gosh! I’m such a terrible shopper, it’s not my favourite thing because I never know where to get what… If this condition comes with a solid shopping budget then I’d probably say Farfetch because everything there is just drool-worthy!

Your favourite holiday spot in SA is…?

Every weekend that I am not in the Cape I ask myself ‘Lelo, why do you not love yourself!?” The Western Cape is an absolute gem, so scenic, so many accommodation and holiday type options, such delicious food! I love being there… it makes me happy!

Tell us about the worst date you've ever had

Hahah this guy I had met through a friend wanted to see me and I was really tired and didn’t feel like going out… he insisted, pleaded and begged… so I thought, eish, he’s a nice guy, let me give it a chance. I said yes, he says let’s meet in Melville and silly me, who lives in Boksburg at the time, agrees. So I drive all the way to Melville, we have an okay dinner and conversation and when the bill comes, this guy says “We’ll split it neh?” then proceeds to pay for his half and leaves me having to pay for the other half. Ummm… I was so upset…first of all I didn’t want to go out, he asked me out, he pleaded with me to come out, to a part of town that’s much closer to where (he) lives and next thing he makes me pay for the bill too…? That evening was the last time I ever saw or spoke to him.

Celebrity blogger, columnist and television presenter Lelo Boyana. Supplied image.

You are able to go on holiday with any SA celeb for a week. Who do you choose to go with and why?

Mmmh… the first person who came to mind, I am too shy to say “his” name, so let me give you the second person on my mind, who’s just as great. Anele Mdoda. She is an interesting person, I love her work and awed by her career moves so there would be a lot to talk about. She loves travel and television/media as much as I do so we would connect on those topics and of course motherhood. Most importantly, she would pay for the holiday, so of course it will be perfect.

The biggest misconception people have of you is…?

I don’t think there are any misconceptions out there about me because what you see is exactly who I am… maybe some people may look at me and think I have it all figured out but in reality I have so many things in my life that I’m insecure about.

What is your definition of happiness?

Freedom comes to mind. I’m at my happiest when I am free. Free to make whatever life choices, free to do with my time as I wish, free to express myself, to just be myself and not hide what I feel , free to love… I’m happy when I’m free.