LOOK: A decade in the making – scientific skincare that works

The Laser Beautique’s new skincare line. Picture: Supplied

The Laser Beautique’s new skincare line. Picture: Supplied

Published Mar 11, 2023


Johannesburg – I just recently celebrated my 33rd birthday, and for around two decades of my life, I have struggled with my skin.

My acne started spiralling out of control when I was around 13 years old to such a point that my dermatologist ordered a round of Roaccutane at that tender age as the only way to combat it.

For those who are unaware, this is a medication primarily used to treat severe acne when other courses of action have failed.

And in my case, even at 13, all other skincare products had failed dismally.

The Laser Beautique’s new skincare line. Picture: Supplied

And while my parents were hesitant to put me on such strong medication at such a young age, the acne, which at that point covered my entire forehead and was also significantly spread across my cheeks, chin and nose, was so severe that it required drastic action.

This initial round of Roaccutane did help, but over the course of the next 20 years, which took me deep into my adulthood, my acne would resurface.

This was despite me following a balanced and healthy diet from a young age as well as a strict skincare routine in a desperate attempt to keep the acne at bay.

But it still popped up, and not sporadically, more like an acne infestation which would take over my entire face, ripping away my self-confidence more and more each time.

Fast forward 20 years or so, and I was baffled that I was still dealing with the same skin issues that I first began facing as a teenager.

At this point, I had almost completely eliminated dairy from my diet, limited sugar, consumed a healthy amount of protein, fruits and vegetables (bar the occasional cup of coffee or soft drink) and would strictly alternate between water and green tea.

Much of the acne had admittedly subsided, but all those years of damage on my skin had left dark pigmentation, another issue I was now forced to deal with.

Then 2023 rolled in and I was invited to test The Laser Beautique’s first ever skincare range. I was hopeful, and prior to using it, I even did a skin scan at the brand’s Blu Bird branch near Melrose Arch in Johannesburg.

The Laser Beautique’s new skincare line. Picture: Supplied.

It revealed that my skin age might be 26, but the years of acne coupled with sun damage had taken quite a toll on my skin.

Then, from around mid-January, I started using The Laser Beautique Foamy Cleanser as well as their Miracle Medical Mist as part of my daytime and night-time skincare regimen.

I also religiously started using The Laser Beautique Sun Ray SPF 50 every single morning, even on those cloudy and gloomy days.

Each application only requires a small amount of product. It hardly has an odour, is gentle on your skin and leaves it feeling silky smooth.

It's been about two months and, honestly, my skin has never looked or felt better.

The Laser Beautique’s new skincare line. Picture: Supplied.

I hardly have any acne, besides the sporadic spots around the time of my menstrual cycle. The pigmentation marks have also significantly lightened as have the dark marks under my eyes, and my skin is so soft and silky throughout the day.

These changes were noticeable after about three weeks of use, which delighted me, and I was thrilled each time I would use it, both day and night.

When I went to do my skin scan in January, The Laser Beautique founder Tzvia Hermann insisted that the beauty brand’s latest skincare range was the answer to all my skin problems, and she was right.

Hermann explained that the skincare range took about 10 years to create and that the decade-long work that she and her team put into the products was the reason for her confidence in this range.

“I could never put my hand on my heart and feel confident enough to put our name to a skincare range and say, I know this truly works,” she said.

“We have successfully proven results with our state-of-the-art technology facials, for example ultrasound, radio frequency, near infrared, microneedling, certain peels, CooLifting and various other laser facials we offer.”

She also added that their product range has been designed to nurture and strengthen.

“Our claims can be proved at our store by ultrasound scanning one's skin ‘before and after’.”

Hermann explained that the skin is the largest organ of the body and its job is to protect the body from external and internal influences, while maintaining moisture and heat.

The Laser Beautique’s new skincare line. Picture: Supplied.

The Laser Beautique encourages its customers to come into one of its branches in Gauteng, Cape Town and Durban for a skin scan.

From there, the accredited skincare professionals will be able to identify each individual’s skin problems and prescribe products to combat them from its new range.

After about a month of use, these same individuals are invited for a second skin scan to see if the products have made any difference.

This was important to Hermann as she wanted to prove, using actual evidence, that the skincare range which she has worked so tirelessly to launch is worth its weight in gold.

And after two decades filled with so many skincare woes, I plan to continue to use The Laser Beautique’s scientific skincare range, which I know will mean that I can finally enjoy the next couple of decades with healthy and happy skin.

The Saturday Star