Liverpool fans ‘are vindicated’ - Reds welcome UEFA report on Champions League final chaos

FILE - UEFA itself bears ‘primary responsibility’ for failures which ‘almost led to disaster’ at the 2022 Champions League final in Paris between Liverpool and Real Madrid, a report commissioned by the European football body said. The report also claimed the policing model was influenced by a view of Liverpool based on the deadly 1989 Hillsborough disaster on incorrect assumptions that Liverpool supporters were a threat to public order. Photo: Thomas Coex/AFP

FILE - UEFA itself bears ‘primary responsibility’ for failures which ‘almost led to disaster’ at the 2022 Champions League final in Paris between Liverpool and Real Madrid, a report commissioned by the European football body said. The report also claimed the policing model was influenced by a view of Liverpool based on the deadly 1989 Hillsborough disaster on incorrect assumptions that Liverpool supporters were a threat to public order. Photo: Thomas Coex/AFP

Published Feb 14, 2023


Liverpool - Liverpool welcomed a review into the 2022 Champions League final which said organisers UEFA were responsible for the chaos before the game, calling on the European soccer governing body to "take positive and transparent action" to ensure the safety of fans.

UEFA apologised to Liverpool for initially blaming the Merseyside club's fans for the mayhem following the release of the independent review on Monday.

The final was delayed by 36 minutes after thousands of Liverpool supporters were unable to get into the Stade de France in Paris for the match on May 28, which Real won 1-0, while French police were filmed using tear gas on fans including women and children.

"(The report) fully vindicates Liverpool fans while finding UEFA primarily responsible for organisational failings, absence of overall control or oversight of safety and security, poor planning and lack of contingency plans," Liverpool said in a statement on Tuesday.

"The evidence-based panel report also found that there was 'a clear and immediate danger of a fatal crush' and that the action of Liverpool supporters saved lives."

The 220-page review followed an investigation chaired by Tiago Brandao Rodrigues, a member of Portugal's parliament, and had a panel including legal, policing and event-management consultants as well as representatives from fan groups, which outlined 21 recommendations.

"... we call on UEFA and others at the top of the football regulation pyramid to come together and take positive and transparent action to ensure there are no more 'near misses'," Liverpool said.

"We implore UEFA to fully enact the recommendations as outlined by the panel, no matter how difficult, to ensure supporter safety is the number one priority at the heart of every UEFA football fixture."

ALSO READ: Paris police chief acknowledges 'failure' at Champions League final

The report added that the parallels between last year's Champions League final and the 1989 Hillsborough soccer stadium disaster -- in which 97 Liverpool supporters lost their lives -- were "palpable".

ALSO READ: Nearly 2 000 Liverpool fans to sue Uefa over Champions League fiasco

"It is shocking that more than 30 years after the Hillsborough disaster any club and our group of fans would be subject to such fundamental safety failings which have had such a devastating impact on so many," Liverpool said.

"But even more concerning is the realisation that for families, friends and survivors of Hillsborough, Paris has only exacerbated their suffering.

" Our thoughts go out to all our fans who have suffered as a result of Paris and we would remind them of the mental health support we put in place in the days following the disaster that was the UEFA Champions League final in Paris."
