Choose your GP wisely: Audition before you settle

Published Jul 22, 2024


Choosing a General Practitioner (GP) is like casting the lead role in your health journey. It’s essential to find a doctor who understands you, respects your choices and doesn’t judge your lifestyle.

Yet, many people struggle to find the perfect GP, especially when transitioning from their family doctor to one of their own.

For many of us, the family doctor has been a constant presence. They've seen us through childhood colds, teenage growth spurts, and everything in between. But as we grow older and move away, finding a new GP becomes a daunting task.

The familiarity and trust built with a family doctor are hard to replace. The process of finding a new doctor can feel overwhelming and this often leads to a delay in seeking medical care when it’s needed.

While it might seem easier to stick with the family doctor, this can have its own set of drawbacks. For one, they might not be conveniently located if you’ve moved away for work or school.

Additionally, as we age, our medical needs change, and having a GP who understands your current lifestyle and health requirements becomes increasingly important.

Why "audition" your GP?

Dr Zac Turner, a medical practitioner specialising in preventative health and wellness, emphasises the importance of taking control of your healthcare.

With four health and medical degrees, Turner told, "Finding a GP with whom you can be completely honest about your lifestyle, including work habits, exercise routines, social activities and sexual health, is crucial for receiving the best care."

The process of finding a new doctor can feel overwhelming, and this often leads to a delay in seeking medical care when it’s needed. Picture: Karolina Kaboompics /Pexels

Research shows that trust and communication are key components of effective healthcare.

A study by Ridd et al. (2009) found that patients who trust their doctors are more likely to follow medical advice and engage in health-promoting behaviours. Thom et al. (2004) also highlighted that trust in a doctor significantly improves patient outcomes.

Just like you wouldn’t hire an employee without an interview, you shouldn’t settle for the first GP you find. Here are some reasons why it’s important to "audition" your GP:

Comfort and trust

You need to feel comfortable discussing personal health issues with your doctor. If you don't trust them or feel judged, you might withhold important information that could affect your care.

Did the GP take time to understand your health concerns and lifestyle? Comprehensive care is essential for addressing all aspects of your health.

Respect for your choices

A good GP will respect your lifestyle choices and work with you to find solutions that fit your needs. Whether it's your diet, exercise routine, or other personal habits, your GP should support you without imposing their beliefs.


Every doctor has their own style. Some are more formal, while others take a more relaxed approach. Finding a GP whose communication style matches your preference can make a big difference in your healthcare experience.

How to find the right GP?

Do your research: Look up potential GPs online, read reviews, and check their qualifications. Websites like Healthgrades or even local forums can provide insights into a doctor's practice and patient satisfaction.

Ask around: Get recommendations from friends, family, or coworkers. Personal experiences can be invaluable in finding a doctor who might be a good fit for you.

Schedule a consultation: Don’t hesitate to schedule an initial consultation with a new GP. Use this meeting to ask questions, get a feel for their approach, and see if you’re comfortable with them.

Trust your instincts: If something feels off during your first visit, trust your gut. It’s okay to keep looking until you find a GP who makes you feel at ease.

Finding the right GP takes time, but it's worth the effort. Your health is too important to leave in the hands of someone who doesn’t make you feel comfortable, respected and understood.

By taking the time to "audition" a potential GP, you can ensure a better healthcare experience and take a proactive step towards maintaining your well-being.