Dos and don’ts of dining out with food allergies

Do not let food allergies limit your dining choices! Picture: Pexels/Terje Sollie

Do not let food allergies limit your dining choices! Picture: Pexels/Terje Sollie

Published Feb 26, 2024


Do not let food allergies limit your dining choices! With careful preparation and planning, you can still enjoy the fun of eating out.

After following these simple steps, you will feel way more comfortable and in control when dining out.

Before making a reservation, you should always go online and look at the menu of the restaurant you would like to dine at. Picture: Pexels/Roman Odintsov

The dos

Preview the menu

Before making a reservation, you should always go online and look at the menu of the restaurant you would like to dine at. That way, you can identify what allergens the restaurant uses in the kitchen, for possible cross-contamination.

If this makes you uncomfortable, find another restaurant that carries a dish or two that you know will be safe for you to eat.

Also, do not be afraid to call the restaurant ahead of time with any questions or concerns.

Ask specific questions

Ask about ingredients of various dishes and how they are prepared.

Questions could include: Which menu items are not safe, given my food allergies? How are diners’ allergies communicated to the kitchen staff? How do you prevent cross-contamination? Is separate equipment used to prepare food-allergic guests’ orders?

Ask open-ended questions. For example, “What kind of oil do you use to cook the French fries?” rather than, “Are the French fries cooked in peanut oil?”

If you are not completely confident, leave

Go somewhere else if you do not think the waiter understood you, or that the food is prepared as you expected. There is no way you will have a good time if you are worrying.

Ask about ingredients of various dishes and how they are prepared. Picture: Pexels/Klaus Nielsen

Double-check your food when it comes

When the server brings your food to the table, you should always inspect it before taking a bite. Ensure that any sauces or seasonings that were supposed to be taken out of the dish are not there.

It is okay to send your food back if it is not correct! Do not feel guilty and pick around the allergen. You should be able to eat your food safely.

The don’ts

Do not assume the food is safe

Your nose does not always know! Do not rely on sight or smell to determine if a food is free of an allergen. Always inquire about the ingredients and preparation surfaces.

Do not get emotional

It can be stressful when a restaurant’s staff do not “get it,” especially if you (or your child) has severe, life-threatening food allergies. Be polite but firm, making sure the staff take your needs seriously.

When ordering for a child with allergies, stay calm and composed so you do not frighten your child about the process.

Having a plan can make you feel more in control, less anxious and less emotional.