‘He'd rather be deaf and still able to have sex’: Hugh Hefner’s Playboy bunny wife revealed

Hugh Hefner. Picture: INSTAGRAM

Hugh Hefner. Picture: INSTAGRAM

Published Aug 29, 2023


To some, he’s a legend and, to others, not so much. And Hugh Hefner is still making headlines even after his death.

This time it is about his rather distinctive relationship with the renowned blue pill, Viagra, a medication primarily used to treat erectile dysfunction and pulmonary arterial hypertension.

Crystal Hefner, his wife spilled the tea in a recent interview focussing on Hugh's fondness for the pharmaceutical enhancer.

Apparently, he popped those magic pills like they were candy on Halloween. Hence, the Viagra turned him deaf in the one ear.

Crystal explained that he didn’t care about going deaf, a boner was more important to him. According to “The Mirror” she said: "Hef always said he'd rather be deaf and still able to have sex. Weird."

This was after she reminisced on their first time, stating that it was “unremarkable”. Well, looks like the pill was doing it’s job then and, of course, whatever Mr Hefner was doing.

According to a “Healthy hearing” report, Viagra, which increases blood flow to certain parts of the body, might affect the delicate blood vessels and tissues in the inner ear, potentially leading to hearing difficulties.

Additionally, Viagra could harm a part of the inner ear called the cochlea, which is responsible for turning sounds into signals for the brain.

It's thought that the impact of Viagra on blood vessels could extend to the inner ear's blood vessels, disrupting their proper function.

The report states: “Any of the dozen or so drugs that belong to the class of medications known as PDE-5-inhibitors are linked to sudden hearing loss. The more common ones include Viagra (generic: sildenafil), Cialis and Levitra.

Some researchers have dubbed this "Viagra deafness“.

However, although Hugh went deaf in the one ear, he didn’t care about it as a boner was more important, with a “sex is life” mentality.

Thinking back to her time at the Hefner mansion, Crystal feels sorry for the girl she used to be.

She opened up to the "Daily Mail" about wanting to get married again and start a family. As she looks back on her relationship with Hugh, she admitted that if she ever has a daughter, she wouldn't want her to be in a relationship with such a big age-gap.