International Jazz artist to launch his album

Cape Town born international Jazz artist McCoy Mrubata to launch his album in Durban. Picture: Supplied

Cape Town born international Jazz artist McCoy Mrubata to launch his album in Durban. Picture: Supplied

Published Jun 6, 2024


International jazz artist Reedman McCoy Mrubata is set to launch his album on Saturday called Lullaby For Khayoyo, which was recorded in the USA last year. He will launch in Durban where he will also celebrate his 65th birthday. Mrubata will be performing at the Bat Centre in the company of jazz pianist Andile Yenana and his band - Thuto Moseme on double and Sbu Ncube on drums.

The Cape Town born Mrubata’s copies of the album will be sold at the event, He said he was looking forward to his performance in the City as it will give him a chance to reconnect with Durbanites.

“I haven’t performed in Durban for a while. I am looking forward to the show, which promises to be a solemn occasion for me as it will also be a way of thanking the Creator for giving me this musical talent and for keeping me on this earth this long and blessed me with good health,” said Mrubata.

He further urged Durban people to join him on his special day as he will be giving them something that they have been longing for. Bat Centre CEO Nise Malange said she believes the show will reignite Durban’s art scene.

She said Mrubata’s show is part of a series of live performances aimed at promoting Jazz in Durban and giving new artists an opportunity to ply their trade.

“We have formed a partnership with Bat By The Harbour and Cooling Off Sessions, with the sole intention of bringing arts alive, while promoting Durban cuisine. We are appealing to Durbanites to attend the show and it will be one of those they will never forget, said Malange,” said Malange.