Top learner seeks funding for prestigious academic tour to Dubai

Liyabona Jikija is a top academic achiever, whose midterm exams earned her an invite from Travel and Sport Academic Achievers to tour in Dubai in December 2025. Picture: supplied

Liyabona Jikija is a top academic achiever, whose midterm exams earned her an invite from Travel and Sport Academic Achievers to tour in Dubai in December 2025. Picture: supplied

Published 3h ago


Top achiever Liyabona Jikija has made academic strides by being selected to participate in the annual Travel and Sport Academic Achievers tour in Dubai in December 2025.

Liyabona is seeking financial assistance from the public to raise exactly R58 990 by September next year to attend the academic programme.

The Grade 11 learner at Hudson Park High School in East London, the Eastern Cape, explained that her mid-term exam marks earned her an invite from organisers of the Travel and Sport academic programme.

Liyabona is among other top achievers at her school who will be attending the programme - her school colleagues are also seeking financial support.

“The company Travel and Sport collaborated with many schools around South Africa, and showcased the amazing tours that they host annually. The top achievers from my school received an invite to go on the prestigious tour.

“The selection of the tour was based on the June exam results of the learners - my results were very excellent. I was among the selected few learners in my school that received the invitation,” she said.

Liyabona has a strong support system, with her family and friends being committed to raising the funds to realise her academic dreams and seize this opportunity.

“My family has helped me try to get funding by creating a poster, which was posted by various members of my family as well as friends to try and raise awareness of the fact that I need help with raising the money for the tour.”

She further mentioned that her family went above and beyond, to the extent of asking for donations on social media.

“Social media has played a huge role in raising this awareness. Many people are aware that I need financial assistance. I am hoping that they will assist me in any way that they can,” said Liyabona.

Aside from excelling in her academics and reigning as a top achiever, Liyabona is actively involved in school-based extramural activities.

She is a first aider, peer promoter, and resource centre committee member, and enjoys playing hockey.

Liyabona highlighted a few academic achievements, despite studying difficult subjects.

“I am recognised in my school for the contribution that I make in the academic pillar. I have managed to maintain an overall average of 80% and above every term since Grade 9, which has resulted in me receiving a certificate of honour during my school’s annual prize-giving ceremony. My results have placed me in the top 10 of my grade every term, and have resulted in my receiving colours for academics.”

Liyabona said securing the required funds and travelling to Dubai would enable her to gain world-class education knowledge, which she would use to improve South Africa’s social conditions.

“Going to Dubai would allow me to get international exposure, and will broaden my knowledge and perspective of life. I believe that going on such a prestigious trip will not only further my skills and potential, it will grant me the exposure that I need as a young South African to extract certain elements from Dubai that I can bring back and use in the future to improve my country and make a difference in the life of many others,” she said.

The public can send in donations to:

Name: Freeworld Travel

Bank: Absa

Branch: 632005

Account number: 4070845967

Reference: 24TA3/HUD/L Jikija

The Star