Family of man they say reservist shot still in dark about case

311 01/02/2012 Pinkie Moticoe a cousin to the decease (Brian Malehase) who was shot by a police officer in Orlando East, Soweto. The incidence happened in 2010 but no arrests have been made nor a single court appearance since two years ago. Picture: Moeletsi Mabe

311 01/02/2012 Pinkie Moticoe a cousin to the decease (Brian Malehase) who was shot by a police officer in Orlando East, Soweto. The incidence happened in 2010 but no arrests have been made nor a single court appearance since two years ago. Picture: Moeletsi Mabe

Published Feb 2, 2012


Kutlwano Olifant

HE WAS allegedly shot and killed by a police reservist after he had phoned the police for help when a “madman” started waving a gun around.

But more than a year after shopkeeper Brian Malehase was killed, his family still want to know what happened to the case.

Malehase was allegedly shot by a police reservist, whose name is know to The Star, in August 2010. He is based at Orlando police station, which last week saw protesting residents complain about the slow pace in the case of a man shot dead, allegedly by a policeman he told to voertsek(go away).

At the time Malehase was killed, witnesses said he had heard a commotion near his shop at about noon. After walking down the road, he saw a “mad guy” get out of a car and wave a gun at passengers in another car.

Malehase called the police.

Jabu Mtamba, an acquaintance who joined Malehase at that point, said they were watching the “madman” when the police came and stopped a few metres away from him.

“He threw his gun on the ground and raised his hands.”

Mtamba said two shots were fired and Malehase fell.

Malehase’s common-law wife, Mpho Maake, 26, said yesterday she received a letter in November saying she should be at the Protea Magistrate’s Court on November 10.

“We went to court on the given date. On our arrival, we were told the docket would be given to the judge, who would then issue a warrant of arrest.

“If my husband had killed an officer, justice would have been served quicker. But because he was just an ordinary citizen, this case is now dragging too long,” she said.

According to Malehase’s cousin, Pinkie Moticoe, the reservist has been reporting for work.

She said residents who were at the scene saw a police officer who arrived with the reservist remove cartridges after the shooting.

“They failed to call an ambulance. Instead, a neighbour drove Malehase to hospital, where he died.”

After being told that the Orlando police spokesperson was not available for comment, The Star sent an e-mail to Gauteng police spokeswoman Lieutenant-Colonel Katlego Mogale to find out what is happening with the case. She replied: “Got it. Will deal with it.”

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