‘Police stood up anti-crime walkers’

Published Sep 19, 2011



A LACK of personnel at the Moroka police station has been blamed for the flop of a crime awareness walkabout that members of the Rejoice Bible Church were to have led in Soweto on Saturday.

The campaign, according to co-ordinator Xolani Ndlovu, was to focus on such problems as police killings, human trafficking, violence and gangsterism in schools, alcohol and drug abuse, and teenage pregnancy. The walk was to have been from Mofolo Park to Elias Motswaledi Street and back again.

Ndlovu said the had police failed the organisers at the 11th hour.

“We had several meetings with them and they agreed they would bring along banners, flyers, promotional items a loud hailer and vehicles. We are so disappointed that they dropped us like that, although we had obtained permission for the walkabout,” said Ndlovu, who was accompanied by a handful of church members.

But instead of abandoning their mission for the day, church members went around the streets of Mofolo distributing flyers that called for an end to drug abuse and other social ills.

Ndlovu said they intended informing Minister of Police Nathi Mthethwa about their “sad” experience with the Moroka police.

“They preach the fight against crime and yet do no co-operate with the community.”

Police spokesman Warrant Officer Kay Makhubela said he was not aware of the incident but would investigate.

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