For the love of music and culture

Priya Boshoff. Picture: Supplied

Priya Boshoff. Picture: Supplied

Published Sep 26, 2022


Singer Priya Boshoff’s passion for modern music is grounded in her love of Vedic music.

Boshoff, a full-time live musician, decided singing would be a fulfilling job about 11 years ago when she was pregnant with her daughter.

The 41-year-old was raised in Kharwastan and currently lives in Waterfall in the Upper Highway area. She is married to Bernard Boshoff and they have two children, daughter Arya Lila, 10, and son Kailash Nila, 7.

Boshoff performs cover songs, the majority being from the great American songbook, specialising in swing jazz, bossa nova, future jazz and neo soul. She however believes that Vedic devotional music, as well as Western music, do not need to exist exclusively of each other.

“When being fully engaged in a religious community and practices, one can feel subjected to disregarding one’s passions, which do not fit into that specific lifestyle. I’ve come to realise that by rejecting a huge part of who I am and what brings me joy, I am actually robbing myself of my individuality. I don’t fit into a box. None of us really do.

“There is diversity in terms of what I enjoy, where my abilities lie and what makes me who I am. So I choose to practise and perform whatever musical style I find true to my being.”

Boshoff said she loved singing from a young age.

(inset) Maintaining her Vedic roots is still important. Picture: Instagram

“From as little as 5, I loved leading temple and festival prayer services. While at home, we were raised with the values and cultural lifestyles of Vedic philosophy. The lifestyle was routined in spiritual principles of regulating one’s activities to strive to live a harmonious life.

“These practices have helped me navigate through some of the most trying times of my life in a more grounded way. I still continue with meditational music and music in praise of the source of creation. It keeps the environment of my mind and heart in a peaceful place.

“I perform jazz and traditional pop. I love vintage music, from poetic lyrics to soulful instruments and melodies. This style of music is a conduit of creativity and joy for me as a vocalist and storyteller.”

Boshoff said history was important and played a role in everyday life.

“It moulds our character and belief systems, so it is present even subliminally. So naturally, there is beauty and pride steeped in culture. It is an inheritance to pass down to generations that follow and should not be limited to only the culture we have been exposed to. It also creates an opportunity for rich, magical collaboration.”

She performs on Wednesday evenings from 6pm to 9pm at the Bard and Minstrel in Umhlanga Arch and on Sundays from 1pm to 4pm at The Pencil Members Club.

* You can follow updates on her performances on Instagram: priya_boshoff.


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