WATCH: Cruising on the Zambezi River with crocs and hippos as your companions

Published Sep 11, 2019


A breakfast cruise on the Zambezi River is the perfect way to prepare your body and soul for a day of sightseeing in Victoria Falls. 

Many of the cruise operators do regular pickups at the major hotels in the town, so getting to the jetty in time for a 7 am departure is easier than you think.

We were welcomed aboard the Ra-Ikane vessel by our skipper Abel, who was to live up to his name over and over during the two-hour trip.

The boat, which like all the others operated by Ilala Lodge Hotel is modelled on Ma-Robert, explorer David Livingstone's boat, is super comfortable and the teak tables and armchairs lend an air of old-world sophistication. Waiter Clement ensures that your every need is attended to.

Teak tables and armchairs lend an air of old-world sophistication. Picture: Lou-Anne Daniels

The continental breakfast is tasty and there's plenty to go around. A selection of teas, juice and coffee round off the meal. Picture: Lou-Anne Daniels

Video: Lou-Anne Daniels

As we head out onto the river Abel gives us a brief, and extremely informative, history of the boat and the river. He is clearly very knowledgeable about the waters he sails every day and the animals who live in and around it.

Picture: Lou-Anne Daniels

He points out - among other things - an African herron, an open-billed stork and a monitor lizard and gives a brief description of each. 

Video: Lou-Anne Daniels

A few minutes into our cruise one of our group spots something rustling in the bushes on the opposite bank and the captain steers the boat closer. To our delight we are treated to our first sighting of the majestic Zimbabwean elephant. 

Picture: Lou-Anne Daniels

Picture: Lou-Anne Daniels

Picture: Lou-Anne Daniels

The two-hour cruise flew by as we spotted hippos playing in the water and crocodiles sunning themselves on the riverbank and before we knew it it was time to head back to shore with our pictures and our memories.

Picture: Lou-Anne Daniels

Picture: Lou-Anne Daniels

Picture: Lou-Anne Daniels

If you are planning a trip to Victoria Falls, do include a cruise on your itinerary. I guarantee you'll love it.

Follow Lou-Anne's African adventure on Twitter: @Lou_AnneDaniels

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