WATCH: First-ever Africa’s Travel and Tourism Summit set for 2-day September spectacle



Published Aug 20, 2021


The Department of Tourism and South African Tourism will host the first-ever Africa’s Travel and Tourism Summit from September 19 – 21.

The event aims to help spur engagement on the state of tourism on the African continent through engagement sessions and share insights and ideas to explore collaborative efforts that can lead to recovery.

Aviation, innovation, technology, the health and safety protocols in place, and Africa’s positioning post the Covid-19 pandemic are some of the topics that will be discussed.

SA Tourism’s Acting chief executive, Sthembiso Dlamini said the summit hopes to contribute towards picking up the momentum within the sector and work towards an inclusive recovery.

“The Covid-19 pandemic may have dealt tourism, both business and leisure tourism, a heavy blow. However, we are now in the recovery phase, and a summit of this nature is critical in ensuring that we are aligned as a continent whilst reigniting the tourism industry,” Dlamini said.

The hybrid format summit will allow guests to attend virtually or at identified venues across South Africa, and three additional locations on the rest of the African continent, pending any Covid-19 lockdown regulations.

“The event will act as a think tank for the continent, creating a platform for Africa’s tourism leaders to create solutions for Africa and contribute to global solutions for the industry. We have opted for the hybrid format for us, as a continent, to lead the way in demonstrating how tourism can be enjoyed safely whilst adhering to health protocols. It is important that we are diligent in reigniting the sector, as it contributes significantly to the African economy,” added Dlamini.

MICE-focused Meetings Africa and Africa’s Travel Indaba 2021 editions were cancelled this year.

Kwakye Donkor, Chief Executive Officer, Africa Tourism Partners, said the summit is an innovative initiative to promote intra-Africa tourism.

"It will help to share insights into the “state of readiness” for South Africa and the rest Africa to welcome the world during and post-Covid-19 pandemic," said Donkor

Registration for the Summit will open in the afternoon on Friday, August 20, 2021.