Woman endures little girl kicking her seat and pulling her hair on 15-hour flight

Picture: Fidan Jafarova Pexels

Picture: Fidan Jafarova Pexels

Published Nov 7, 2022


Have you ever given a child and their parent the dead stare because the child is simply not behaving? Especially in situations like the church service or on a long-hour flight?

Recently, a Reddit user named mngirl2465 wrote that during a 15-hour flight she was “tortured” by a child who decided to kick her seat and pull her hair.

The woman wrote: ‘’I had a fifteen-hour flight that began at 8pm and I had been planning to sleep throughout the flight to help the time go by as well as catching up on sleep after travelling for 24-plus hours.’’

So, we can only imagine how tired this woman was. Travelling is fun, but it can also be draining. To make matters worse, the mother of the “annoying” girl didn’t reprimand her daughter.

‘’Throughout the first two hours, the child kicked my husband’s seat, stood up on their parents’ lap to grab my hair and pull on my shirt, and shoving papers in the back of the seat in between our seats, poking us with papers,’’ she wrote.

Mngirl2465 told Bored Panda that the father of the child tried to calm the 3-year-old, but it didn’t work. The child eventually fell asleep after four hours and she then grabbed the opportunity to catch a nap herself, but there’s more.

When she decided to lie back, the mother asked her to recline her seat in order for her to be more comfortable. So, after you see your daughter torturing someone else, you still have the audacity to ask that?

“After I didn’t recline my seat, the mother seemed visibly annoyed, made a groan, and made a few comments to her husband about it. It didn’t go much beyond that because she ended up falling asleep herself a while later,” she said.

For some time the woman thought she was the a**hole in the situation, but people made her realise that what happened was unacceptable.

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