Air France to offer paternity and childcare leave to same-sex couples

Air France introduces paternity leave to fathers in same-sex couples. Picture: Pexels

Air France introduces paternity leave to fathers in same-sex couples. Picture: Pexels

Published Jul 13, 2022


A study has shown that same-sex couples with two fathers across the globe receive less paid parental leave than lesbian or heterosexual couples.

And in return couples struggle to keep up with bills and everyday expenses.

According to research titled, “A father’s right to paternity leave in the South African workplace”, men are starting to view paternity leave as more essential than optional due to various factors such as the feminist movement, equal opportunities legislation, and the rise in the cost of living. All, which should be taken into consideration.

‘’Paternity leave provides fathers with time to care and bond with their new born child. It also promotes the mental and intellectual growth of the child, promotes their confidence, and offers men quality time with their family,’’ said expert Shanta Naidoo.

‘’Paternity leave allows fathers to engage in and assist with regular household chores and build sustainable relationships with both the mother and newborn child which provides the groundwork for co-parenting and family stability.’’

Hence Air France is encouraging paternity and childcare leave making it accessible to two fathers in same-sex couples. Already offered to both mothers in a similar same-sex relationship, this measure allows all couples to take full advantage of their new parental status and care for their child in optimal conditions.

This new measure is part of the policy to promote diversity and fight discrimination that Air France has been implementing for several years.This policy is based on four main priorities –Creating an inclusive environment for all LGBT+ employees; ensuring equal rights and treatment for all employees, regardless of their sexual orientation; supporting employees who are victims of discriminatory comments or actions; and measuring progress and sharing the best practices in order to improve the general working environment.

In its joint work with Personn’ailes, the company’s LGBT+ association set up over 20 years ago, Air France continues to roll out its awareness and prevention actions with company staff.

These policies are not only beneficial to the parents, as expert Kipp Jarecke-Cheng states in “Paid Parental leave Guide for LGBTQ+ parent” that being able to take leave from work helps the parent give their newborn undivided attention and taking time off from work and devote undivided attention to exclusively being mom or dad is critical to a child and plays a major role in the cognitive, emotional, and social development and well-being of the child.

In 2019, Air France signed the LGBT commitment charter of the association l’Autre Cercle, which fights against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

In 2020, they also took part in l’Autre Cercle’s second barometer on the inclusion of LGBT+ people in the workplace in France. More than 600 employees were surveyed within the company, and nearly 90% of them said they were satisfied with Air France’s diversity policy against discrimination.

Here are some tips for LGBTQ+ couples who are starting a family as working parents: understand your employer’s benefits and policies; research local, state, and federal laws and regulations. Know your rights and don’t be afraid to question. Every parent deserves support.