Family of murdered Robertson ‘grape thief’ want answers

Peter October was killed for allegedly stealing grapes from a Robertson farm. Picture: Supplied

Peter October was killed for allegedly stealing grapes from a Robertson farm. Picture: Supplied

Published Mar 5, 2023


The family of a Robertson farm worker who was killed after he was allegedly accused of stealing grapes is calling for justice, as police continue their investigation.

Peter October’s body was found bruised in the bushes near a farm he told his daughter he was visiting.

The 55-year-old left his home on February 21 and his body was found two days later in a bush in Droeheuwel.

His distraught daughter Elrene October said: “He was last seen by his girlfriend, she came to me on Thursday and reported him missing.

“She told us he went to the farm on Tuesday and never came home. After hearing the news about my dad’s disappearance, my son went to the hospital to look for him, in case he got injured and landed there but he didn’t find him.

“He then went to the police station and brought them to our house,” she said.

Elrene added that they all went to the farm where her father was was last seen.

“He was not found there and they came back to our house and my fiancé, my dad’s girlfriend and I went to the police station to make a statement that my dad was missing.

“The next thing we knew his body was found in bushes. He had friends on that farm and we also have family there. I suspect he was attacked by the night shift security guards,” she said.

The victim’s daughter said she doesn’t know about her father being a grape thief.

“I don’t know if he was there for grapes and that he stole the grapes. We are heartbroken about this and we want to understand what happened and the police are not telling us anything,” she said.

Peter’s funeral is going to take place next Saturday in Robertson.

Rural and Farmworkers Development Organisation executive director Billy Claasen said a lot of allegations and rumours were circling as to who is responsible for his death.

“We will leave that to the investigation team of the SAPS.

“We do not promote any lawlessness and have asked people to not steal grapes from farmers or anything from anyone.

“With this said, we call on farmers to contact the SAPS in times like these and stop making use of these security companies.

“Some of these companies are operating like vigilante groups and they ‘skop, donner en bliksem’ our poor people in certain areas.

“These kinds of evil attacks in the agricultural industry have to stop. We call on the provincial commissioner of SAPS to appoint a provincial team of detectives to investigate this poor man's death.

“We urge the police to leave no stone unturned and to catch the culprits responsible for the death of October,” Claasen said.

On Monday, Klawer resident Daniel Smit appeared in court for the murder of Jerobejin van Wyk. Jerobejin’s remains were found on Smit’s property last year after the accused caught the 13-year-old and his friend stealing mangoes from his garden. Smit is still awaiting a psychological assessment.

Police spokesperson, Ndakhe Gwala confirmed that an investigation into October’s murder was ongoing.

Anyone with information that might assist in the investigation is kindly requested to contact the investigating officer Detective Sergeant Cookson on 023 626 8349.

Weekend Argus