Your Year Ahead
What an extraordinary time it’s been, Aquarius – one of dramatic change. You, more than anyone, have been vulnerable to the cosmic madness that’s plagued our planet. Major changes affecting work and home have either merged these two interests or split them wide apart.
Either way, it’s been disruptive. But here’s a new year worthy of celebration. Love and professional matters move back on course, with a delighted cosmos cheering on both passion and financial flamboyance. The biggest surprise will be just how well you cope with the unexpected.
Aries (March 21 – April 20)
Just when you were about to let go of some long held dreams, along comes a guardian angel to remind you why you had such high hopes in the first place. So, what to do? Give up or go on? Trust the voice within. Finally, here’s a week when there’s little to lose and much to gain. And should someone close request help, offer support.
Taurus (April 21 – May 20)
You’re exhausted Taurus, and it’s a fair bet that relationship issues need sorting. But chirpier planets try to turn your attention away from life’s troubles. Give yourself permission to shift from social to solitary, and back again; depending on your mood. Both modes of operation will work for you now. Take time out for some pampering, too.
Gemini (May 21 – June 21)
Geminis tend to give most the benefit of the doubt. But sometimes that all-too forgiving stance may backfire when you discover that someone isn’t as loyal as you thought. You’ll survive, but this is a lesson in setting firm boundaries. The good news: a bit of extra cash could come within reach. If so, spend up while you can.
Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
Flat batteries, sagging spirit – you’ve very little left to give, my exhausted friend. But don’t thrash yourself over recent troubles and past mistakes. Instead, book a massage and let someone else pummel away the aches and pains. And once you’ve hauled your way to the sauna, you can then reflect on the whys and wherefores of life.
Leo (July 23 – August 23)
This week keeps you on your toes, Leo. Stay calm and in control and there’s precious little you can’t manage. The question is: what do you really want? Love plays its dizzy game and you may be happy to surrender to Cupid’s coaxing. Perhaps, just when you’re ready to be swept off your feet, should said feet stay firmly planted on the ground?
Virgo (August 24 – September 22)
There are times when you feel you don’t belong. Others just don’t seem to understand your unique and inquisitive imagination. Happily, this week gives the rest of us dullards a chance to catch up. Communications start to improve – as do relationships. You may receive an unexpected visit or hear important news.
Libra (September 23 – October 23)
They say everything passes, but better times can’t happen soon enough. You could do with some light relief. In the meantime, if others are still out to undermine you, the planets provide cosmic carte blanche to regain control. This time you get the upper hand. Life becomes all about independence, and reclaiming your own strength.
Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)
There’s trickery in the air, Scorpio. Not only has someone shifted the blame and dumped you in the mire, you’re expected to wade through it as well. But you don’t intend to give in to such bullying. Financially, all your hard work comes to fruition. An extra bonus could pour in as well. You may even consider investing in a place to call your own.
Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)
Love sidles a little closer this week, and it’s unlikely to be a tame entanglement. What’s more, the attraction should be reciprocated, with no end to the emotions you can mutually explore. The professional pace? Equally active, if a little unstable. Fortunately, few can handle creative challenges better than you.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)
Expect changes, Capricorn. This applies to both personal and professional matters. The cosmos continues to encourage career development – and you’re astute enough to realise that you’re being put in a position of power. Love could just as easily flourish alongside work activities, either with a present partner or someone new.
Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)
An extremely busy week means you need to concentrate – a huge ask for most restless Aquarians. The culprit? Your imagination. There’s a whole world of possibilities out there, and having to stay tethered to current responsibilities could feel like a prison sentence. Behave, and you may get the occasional day release.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Some times are better than others and, sadly, this week could bring emotional warfare. You find yourself in disagreement with others or, perhaps, just sweating the small stuff. If so, consider whether this situation is worth your energy. Conflict often results in no winners or losers; only exhausted people and wasted time. Choose to walk away.
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