Your year ahead
You made a valiant effort to fall in line last year, with precious less success. But you know that if you work hard and stay resolute, rewards eventually follow. Your first strategy: recognise your target; next: hammer away until you get results.Just don’t overdo it.
Even super-enthusiastic you needs the occasional break. Look forward to July, when most Pisceans can make time for play. In the meantime, your libido is also granted more fun, so you’d be daft not to take advantage. Don’t worry if these romances don’t last forever. The memories will.
Aries (March 21 - April 20)
Stand by for a reshuffling of values, which could see love and friendship take on a new tone. You’ll be surprised at who volunteers when you need help, and you’ll be equally disquieted by who will let you down. This week brings a crash course in what you need from relationships. If a certain love is unsalvageable, start planning your exit.
Taurus (April 21 - May 20)
This week becomes downright frenzied - a time when no one quite knows what everyone else is up to, or why. But this is pretty much the case when you pitch a group of power planets up against intense Taurean emotions. Trying to enlist help is a waste of time. Do what you do best, and take charge.
Gemini (May 21 - June 21)
We all experience very different journeys while moving through life. Don’t assume that others will have the same actions and reactions to the dramas that can unfold. It’s how you react that’s important. This week, pay attention to even the most minor piece of information. Sometimes, the smallest gem can have the most sparkle.
Cancer (June 22 - July 22)
Love wins a generous time slot, though there may be some trickery in the heavens. This means that what started as a casual flirtation could become more than intended. And chances are, it’ll be you who’s doing the tempting. Indeed, prudence doesn’t exactly spring to mind as your word of the week - “hedonistic” is closer to the mark.
Leo (July 23 - August 23)
Just when you started to feel happy with your lot, along comes a whisper of discontent. Venus is in a spiteful mood, so expect some conflict this week - it’s a time to kept your head down, and out of the firing line. Also, take note of any emotional deadwood. Decide what’s no longer working for you - and then trash it. Guilt free.
Virgo (August 24 - September 22)
It’s a week for working behind the scenes, Virgo. You set your schedule by the creativity of your soul. Inspiration is your manna, ingenuity is your pay off. Don’t expect to reach your goals this week, but do expect to set the scene for future success. Most people don’t know that you’re one of the most artistic signs. They will soon enough.
Libra (September 23 - October 23)
A lagging cosmos has doused your enthusiasm for some time now, and you’ve felt held back. So consider it perfect timing when this week offers to unleash restrained ambitions and talents. Financially, your bank balance should start to be replenished. Watch, too, for an opportunity to make the most of work contacts.
Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)
Have you noticed how some individuals can be likened to a black hole? They’ll happily draw you into their mass of personal chaos, with zero concern over the possible effects on you. So stay well clear of their presence. There are friendlier places to be. Jupiter also lends an uncanny financial instinct. Earning power should soon soar.
Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)
More recently, work has seemed more like a war zone and you’re tired of petty politics. What’s more, you’re angry. This week, however, encourages restraint. That’s not to say that you should let others take you for granted - just don’t let them to hijack your hard work by losing your temper. Stay calm, and you’ll be the one reaping the rewards.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)
This week it’s a case of lucky with money but perhaps, unlucky in love. Career ambitions should proceed as planned, but personal happiness may be clouded by trouble with someone you love. Perhaps you’ve been allocating too much time to work, and not enough time for play. Don’t take loved ones for granted.
Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)
This week brings you directly in touch with your need for action.You're ready to get things moving, perhaps even break new ground. On a psychological level, too, you’re more in touch with your inner rage. It's how you channel this raw energy that makes all the difference. Release any pent-up emotions by taking positive, constructive action.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Maybe you’re surrounded by bullies, Pisces. Maybe you’re dealing with sheer stubbornness. Whatever the case, it seems that someone around you is behaving badly. Don’t let them get you down. In any case, you’re clever enough to find a way around their petulance. In doing so, you watch those tables turn.
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