Athlone police arrested a suspect in Kewtown after he was caught trying to bury this illegal weapon in the sand.
A man has been arrested after gang violence flared up in Kewtown over the weekend.
Athlone police spokesperson, Sergeant Zita Norman, said shooting started in the early hours of Sunday morning (“SAPS searching for shooters involved in Kewtown gang fight”, Athlone News, December 29).
“Athlone fieldworkers together with Athlone CPU, responded to a call, where rival gangs were shooting upon each other,” Sergeant Norman said.
Police arrived on the scene after following up on information about a suspected shooter wearing a grey hooded top.
"Athlone police officers spotted the suspect and gave chase into Nerina Close in Kewtown,“ Ms Norman said.
According to police, the suspect was trying to bury the firearm in the sand, but his efforts were foiled and he was arrested.
Sergeant Norman said the firearm was confiscated and no serial number was visible.
Meanwhile, residents continue to live in fear, calling on police for further visibility and more pressure on the gangs.
A resident, who chose to remain anonymous, said police were “too scarce” in Kewtown, which is why shootings take place “everywhere and at any time”.
“Everywhere and any time you will hear gunshots and it’s normal for many of us living here, but it doesn’t make it right.
“The police are here, but these gangs know the police are only going to drive by and maybe even wave at them.”
The anxious resident added that it was especially concerning now that children and families were at home for the holidays.
“The streets are full of people, but do you think these gangs care? They will shoot right through these people,” the resident said.