Roadworks on Jakes Gerwel Drive in Goodwood is expected to continue until January next year. Picture: Sibulele Kasa.
Both the southbound and northbound carriageways between Viking Way and Voortrekker Road on Jakes Gerwel Drive in Goodwood will undergo roadworks until early next year, says the City.
The work started today, Thursday January 9, and it is expected to continue, between 7am and 7pm on weekdays, until January next year, provided there are no unforeseen delays.
Traffic travelling in both directions will be affected and road users are encouraged to consider alternative routes.
The resurfacing of this section of Jakes Gerwel Drive will include the following:
• Rehabilitation of the existing road on both the northbound and southbound carriageways, service roads and slip lane ramps.
• Rehabilitation of existing road pavement at intersections and the transition area, where the northbound service lane merges onto the northbound carriageways.
• Replacing and extending the existing prefabricated concrete channel along the slip lane connecting Viking Way eastbound and Jakes Gerwel Drive northbound service roads.
• Replacing joints at the three bridges along Jakes Gerwel Drive between Viking Way and Voortrekker Road.
• The replacement of guardrails and road signs.
• The lowering and raising of existing manholes during the road construction and later reinstatement to the revised road level, including manhole covers, valve boxes, survey markers, fire hydrants and electrical manhole covers.
• The reinstatement of all road markings and reflective road studs removed during the process.