Residents in Durban West are battling toxic air and illegal landfill sites as waste disposal companies exploit communities, prompting swift action from city officials. Picture: Dave Laas
Over the last four weeks, Durban West residents in Hillary, Westville, and Chesterville have been complaining of a strong smell in the air.
Speaking to IOL, Dave Laas, a resident said: “We began taking notice when several residents complained that they had developed a cough and had breathing issues.
“We got a drone up for some aerial footage and discovered that somewhere behind Westville prison, in Chesterville, there was, what we assume to be an illegal landfill site.”
Laas reported seeing a mix of building rubble, old fencing, furniture, old tyres and several spots of smouldering refuse. “We have reported our findings to the local ward councillor who has reported the issue to eThekwini city officials.”
On Tuesday, a city fire engine was seen extinguishing burning waste at the site.
Under South Africa’s National Environmental Management: Waste Act (Act No. 59 of 2008), an environmental impact assessment (EIA) is essential before establishing a landfill site due to the potential for significant environmental and health risks.
A landfill can cause soil and groundwater contamination, air pollution from toxic gases, and harm to local biodiversity. An EIA ensures that these risks are identified, evaluated, and mitigated through sustainable waste management practices.
Without an EIA, unregulated landfills could lead to long-term environmental degradation, negatively impact public health, and create hazards that may be costly and difficult to address in the future.
Hillary ward councillor Samantha Windvogel said that she received a call from City officials on Wednesday. “An official has given me feedback that teams are on the ground addressing this issue.
Windvogel suspects that waste disposal companies are paying residents in exchange for illegally dumping waste which would cost a lot more if dumped through prescribed means.
“Metro has been summoned to track down these people. I went on to ask that a mandate be sent out within a time frame as there are innocent lives that are at risk here due to the hazardous waste being burned,” said Windvogel.
The official shared with Windvogel that a directive had come directly from the Mayor and that a team composed of members from several city departments has until Friday to “sort out the issue.