Buthelezi says his meeting with amakhosi will go ahead. Picture: Theo Jeptha / African News Agency (ANA)
Durban – Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi says he has been informed that the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) has been sending SMSes to amakhosi (chiefs), telling them not to attend the private briefing he has scheduled with them in Empangeni on Friday.
He also alleged that Inkosi Sifiso Shinga, the chairperson of the KZN House of Traditional Leaders, had approached other traditional leaders and told them not to attend the special meeting.
Friday's meeting is over the Ingonyama Trust and the appointment of Inkosi Thanduyise Mzimela as chairperson, much against Buthelezi's insistence that former judge Jerome Ngwenya, who was appointed by the late King Goodwill Zwelithini, should continue in the position.
UPDATE: Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi says he has been informed that KZN CoGTA has been sending SMSs to Amakhosi, telling them not to attend the briefing he has scheduled with them on Friday in Mpangeni. He also says Inkosi Sifiso Shinga, the Chairperson of the KZN House
— Sihle Mavuso (@ZANewsFlash) May 24, 2023
“It has been brought to my attention by several amakhosi of the Zulu kingdom that the chairperson of the KwaZulu-Natal House of Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders, Inkosi Sifiso Shinga, has approached them urging them not to attend the meeting of amakhosi which I have called as the traditional prime minister to the Zulu monarch and nation, and which will be taking place in Empangeni on Friday.
UPDATE: King Misuzulu KaZwelithini has just told Ukhozi FM that Friday's meeting between Amakhosi and Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi in Mpangeni has his blessings. He says Amakhosi are free to attend it, but he won't be there as he has other commitments.
— Sihle Mavuso (@ZANewsFlash) May 24, 2023
“I cannot understand his reason for doing this, nor can I fathom the authority of the chairperson of the House to override my position as prime minister to the Zulu monarch and nation.
“I have called meetings of amakhosi in this capacity for decades.
“In addition, a number of amakhosi have informed me of SMSes being received, purportedly from the Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, instructing amakhosi not to attend the meeting on Friday," Buthelezi said.
Despite this, Buthelezi said the meeting would go ahead.
UPDATE: Inkosi Sifiso Shinga, the Chairperson of KZN House of Traditional Leaders, has denied allegations levelled against him by Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi that he has been lobbying Amakhosi to boycott his meeting on Friday in Mpangeni.
— Sihle Mavuso (@ZANewsFlash) May 24, 2023
“Under the circumstances, it is urgent that I assure amakhosi and all those who have been invited to attend, that the meeting will go ahead as scheduled and I shall address the meeting on Friday.
“Their presence is therefore most welcome, out of respect for their right to be informed on matters affecting our kingdom,” Buthelezi added.
However, Shinga denied the allegations levelled against him by Buthelezi that he has been lobbying amakhosi to boycott the meeting.
“I have no knowledge of what uMntwana (Prince) is alleging,” Shinga told IOL after he was sent Buthelezi’s statement.
The KwaZulu-Natal Cogta is yet to respond to allegations by Buthelezi that it has been sending SMSes to amakhosi not to attend the meeting.
Meanwhile, King Misuzulu KaZwelithini told Ukhozi FM during an interview on Wednesday evening that Friday's meeting between amakhosi and Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi in Empangeni has his blessings.
He said amakhosi are free to attend it, but he won't be there as he has other commitments.
“I respect the imbizo that has been called by the Prince of KwaPhindangene. I plead with those who have been invited to attend it and learn from the Prince.
“They have to go and hear what the prime minister of the Zulu nation has to say. I give blessings to this meeting,” the king told the radio station during his interview.
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