The National Head for the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation, Lieutenant General Godfrey Lebeya. Picture: Ntswe Mokoena / GCIS
An attack of a police official is an assault on society and indeed an attack on the State, said Lieutenant General Godfrey Lebeya.
He said 13 police officials were murdered, and eight were off duty at the time. Lebeya, the head of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI-Hawks), released a report on crime for the 3rd Quarter of 2024/2025 on Friday.
Lebeya categorised the killing of police officials as a national priority offence. Thirty people were detained in relation to police killings, and seven of them were found guilty and given 22 life sentences. In addition to the deaths of SAPS members, four metropolitan police officials were killed.
He added that thus far, the State Capture National Investigation Task Team has obtained 2 241 statements in 53 cases, which were addressing state capture recommendations.
Additionally, 38 accused persons were arrested by the Hawks. This includes six suspects already arrested by the DPCI in the Bosasa saga, before the cases were taken over by the Investigative Directorate Against Corruption (IDAC) which has charged no less than 268 persons. Four accused persons have already been convicted and sentenced on state capture matters handled by the Hawks.
On August 24, 2011, the Board of Directors of the South African Airways (SAA) convened and discussed the awarding of a contract to external auditors who had tendered a contract to render the services of auditing.
Two firms had submitted bids for the contract and the board of directors recommended that the two firms be awarded the contract. Yakwe Kwinana, 60, was a member of the board that deliberated and recommended appointments of the two firms and she voted in favour of the resolution of the board.
“While being aware that these firms had tendered for these services, she failed to disclose past contractual relationships with the said companies, which caused prejudice to the proper administration of the affairs of the SAA. This contravenes the provisions of the Public Finance Management Act,” Lebeya said.
According to Lebeya, the public entity paid out R59 million because of the conclusion of a contract that would not have been reached had the SAA board of directors been aware of all relevant facts regarding the accused's relationship with the two companies.
On November 26, 2024, Kwinana voluntarily surrendered to the Serious Corruption Investigation team based in Germiston. She appeared in the Johannesburg Specialised Commercial Crimes Court sitting at Palmridge, where she was granted R20 000 bail. The case was postponed to March 12 for the defence to make a representation.
“Those who stole from the Covid-19 relief funds shall serve as living proof that crime does not pay. As of 31 December 2024, 64 cases were pending on the court roll while 27 convictions were already achieved,” Lebeya said.
During the Covid-19 era, Marinda Johanna Smith, 57, applied for Temporary Employee Relief Scheme (TERS) with the Department of Employment and Labour (DEL) on behalf of 28 employees of MJ Upholstery Free State (Pty) Ltd. She received over R537 000.
The Specialised Investigating Unit (SIU) discovered that none of the employees appearing on the application worked for the company. She was arrested on December 13, 2024, on allegations of fraud and money laundering. The case was postponed to March 10 at the Bloemfontein Regional Court.
Lebeya added that 42 incidents of Cash-In-Transit (CIT) robberies were received by the DPCI. Nine suspects died in an exchange of gunfire with the police, while 119 people were arrested for CIT and related crimes. Lebeya said only two of the accused were granted bail while six convictions were secured.
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