The sad reality is that at some point in our lives, what we leave behind becomes increasingly more important to certain members of our family. Capital Legacy has helped more than 650 000 South Africans draft their wills. Photo: Supplied
As the familiar and old saying goes “where there’s a will, I want to be in it” – this could not be closer to the truth in the event of the death of a loved one, especially when it comes to family.
One of South Africa’s leading providers of wills, Capital Legacy has helped more than 650 000 South Africans draft their wills and thousands of grieving families wind up the estates of a deceased loved one.
“We have seen the best and worst of people getting their hands on what they believe they should have inherited,” says Grant Fietze, Executive Manager - Marketing, Capital Legacy.
“Whether it was grandpa’s most-prized tool collection or granny’s heirloom jewellery and crystalware, or even uncle Joe’s bakkie or aunty Esme’s furniture – we have heard stories or even witnessed greedy family members lobbying for stuff. Moreover, this often happens even before the beloved family member has passed.
“The sad reality is that at some point in our lives, what we leave behind becomes increasingly more important to certain members of our family. And without a last will and testament in place, you leave the door wide open for arguments and chaos as your family might fight over what they thought was theirs.”
Capital Legacy’s first award-winning television advert which was released earlier this year got the “will conversation” going. The advert depicts a scenario, where a family finds out the protagonist didn’t have a will in place and dramatises the family feud that ensues.
“Off the back of our first advert, we teamed up again with Halo which is one of SA’s brightest boutique agencies, who, together with esteemed local director Dean Blumberg from Massif Media helped us produce what we think is an ad that will not only entertain you but make you think long and hard about making sure your will is in place – and that the people you want to inherit your assets are in it. This leaves no room for greedy extended family members,” adds Fietze.
Look out for the new ad on most TV channels or you can click the link below to see how Bill Esterdown has his final say, despite his family’s audacious efforts to lay claim to his prized possessions.
Watch the extended version of the ad:
“Ultimately, our mission is to help more South Africans get their wills in order and to ensure there is less drama and chaos for your family, when they are grieving your loss.”
If you have a financial advisor, ask them about getting your Capital Legacy will sorted or visit the Capital Legacy website to request a complimentary will consultation today.