If you thought your 60s marked the end of investing, as this marks the ‘official’ retirement, think again.
Welcome to the Personal Finance Podcast show, where we show that money matters. I am your host, Content Editor Ruan Jooste and this is your monthly Financial Planning episode.
Today we are joined by Kiru Padayachee, Business Development Manager at Glacier by Sanlam, a wealth creation and preservation platform, and Kiru is here to help talk us through some of the investment opportunities for people in their 60’s.
With the choice to continue working into your 60s and possibly even 70s becoming more commonplace as the human lifespan continues to grow longer, your 60s could either be a time when your regular salary comes to an end, or is reduced according to how much time you dedicate to work as you start to wind down to retirement.
The financial advice you may have heard throughout your investing career is that the closer you get to retirement, the more cautious your investment portfolio needs to be. However, experts state that taking too cautious an approach is the wrong investing mindset.
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