Picture: Alan Taylor
Two hundred and seventy prominent cetacean experts have signed an unprecedented open letter of “grave concern” calling for global action to protect whales, dolphins and porpoises from the threat of extinction, driven by human activity.
“Each one of us is a cetacean specialist and each one of us believes this issue is now critical,” they wrote in their open letter, entitled The Real and Imminent Extinction Risk to Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises, this week.
“The lack of concrete action to address threats adversely affecting cetaceans in our increasingly busy, polluted, over-exploited and human-dominated seas and major river systems means that many, one after another, will likely be declared extinct within our lifetimes,” the letter says.
Cetacean populations are slipping closer to extinction because of numerous interacting factors, including chemical and noise pollution, loss of habitat and prey, climate change and ship-strikes. For many, the most foremost threat is incidental take in fishing operations.
Even large whales are not safe. “The recent listing of the North Atlantic right whale, by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), as critically endangered reveals the serious failure of its relatively wealthy range countries to address a critical decline. Moreover, the factors driving this ongoing decline are well known, and, we believe, could be addressed.”
Only a few hundred North Atlantic right whale adults remain and “unless appropriate action comes soon, we will undoubtedly lose this entire species”.
Similarly, the critically endangered vaquita, of the Gulf of California, Mexico, “sits poised on the knife-edge of extinction”, with an estimated population size that may be as low as only 10 individuals.
It’s now almost inevitable that these two species will follow the baiji, or Chinese river dolphin, down the road to extinction. “The bleak outlook for these three species shows how often too little is being done, too late.
“Of the 90 living species of cetaceans, more than half now have a concerning conservation status according to the IUCN, with 13 species listed as critically endangered or endangered, seven as vulnerable and seven as near threatened, while 24 species are data ‘deficient’.
“These ‘data deficient’ species may also be imperilled. We simply do not know. This lack of clear information about so many species and populations is itself a major concern. Additionally, there are 32 subspecies and other distinct cetacean populations presently either endangered or critically endangered and with ongoing research we are recognising more populations of cetaceans that are discrete and require conservation action.”
The letter calls on countries with cetaceans in their waters to take precautionary action to ensure species and populations are adequately protected from human activities, including implementing appropriate and fully resourced monitoring.
All nations must both work with and strengthen the relevant international bodies including the International Whaling Commission and the Convention for the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals.
Foremost are regional fisheries bodies, “which can address fishing-related threats to cetaceans, noting the urgent need to address such impacts on many populations”.
Whales, dolphins and porpoises are seen and enjoyed all over the world and valued as sentient, intelligent, social and inspiring species. “We should not deny future generations the opportunity to experience them.”
“They are also sentinels of the health of our seas, oceans and, in some cases, major river systems and the role of cetaceans in maintaining productive aquatic ecosystems, which are key for our survival as well as theirs, is also becoming clearer.”
Dr Els Vermeulen, research manager of the whale unit at the mammal research unit at the University of Pretoria, who helped coordinate the open letter, said: “This is a unique expression of concern from the professional community of scientists around the world who specialise in these animals… For many the number one threat is being taken, intentionally or unintentionally, in fishing nets. We need measures to be urgently implemented to address all such threats.”
Dr Natacha Aguilar de Soto of the University of La Laguna, said whales and dolphins are were key in maintaining the health of marine ecosystems and “with it the health of the planet and our own security.
“The oceans are the first controller of climate change and the main source of protein for millions of people worldwide.
“Whales fertilise the oceans and thus raise the productivity of plankton, which consumes 40% of the carbon dioxide that humans release to the atmosphere, produces half of the oxygen that we breathe, and is the base of marine food webs. Saving the whales is not about idealism, is about saving our planet and ourselves.”
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